Gently Weaning From Mommy's Milk

The process of weaning a baby from breast milk is a unique experience for each mother and baby. Just like pregnancy, birth and the initial breastfeeding experience; it is different for each of us. Some women are long past wanting to be done with nursing, some women are struggling with it coming to an end. No matter what, it can be quite emotional due to hormonal fluctuations and the reality that your baby is, indeed, growing up. Many women  have questions surrounding how weaning takes place, especially given that this is not a topic often discussed. This page is dedicated to my experiences weaning. Nursing both of my children has been a very special journey and my hope is that my experiences sharing my weaning stories may help other mothers in their journey, as well. 

Weaning is Not On a Light Switch 

I would love to hear your weaning story! I'm accepting submissions for guest blog posts of your story of gently weaning your little one. Please send an e-mail to with your post submission!